
Committee Website for News and Activity Management

Committee Website for News and Activity Management
Committee Website for News and Activity Management
Committee Website for News and Activity Management

ANDI, the National Business Association of Colombia, formed a new committee to synergize and strengthen communication with their local governments as well as with their national leadership, allowing businesses to actively take part in committee hearings and material. What ANDI needed was a common platform to share committee activities and news publicly, as well as to manage content and coordinate teams and activities.

Technigent created a SharePoint website with content management capabilities for ANDI that features all the functionalities they required to make their goals a reality.

Technigent explored SharePoint’s multifaceted, out-of-the-box design template capabilities while creating this solution. We built a dynamic news management system that makes use of the SharePoint picture library to display images. Data was also organized and made accessible with the facility to export into excel and PDF. Community activities could also be managed and tracked from the system. A customized commenting feature allows users to comment on activity and collaborate in real time, while an activity management function allows teams of any size to participate in committee activities. This new solution resulted in increased user registration for ANDI and the system successfully leveraged communication and collaboration within the committee to achieve faster and better outcomes.

Technologies used

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