
Business Intelligence portal on SharePoint

 Business Intelligence portal on SharePoint
 Business Intelligence portal on SharePoint
 Business Intelligence portal on SharePoint

A Leading Manufacturing Company requires a smooth, uninterrupted line of production for the enduring success of the business. Any issue that emerges in the workflow can bring production to a grinding halt, causing missed deadlines and a severe loss of revenue. So the manufacturing business turned to Technigent to help them leverage technology to find more proactive ways of resolving issues before they disrupt production. Technigent implemented a Business Intelligence portal based on SharePoint capabilities that used a red flag system that tracked the key elements of production, like machine status, raw materials, resources, tools, and tracking information. If any issues emerge, responders are alerted automatically by email and SMS so they can resolve the issues quickly before they compile. Through a simple dashboard interface, the manufacturing business can receive reports on machine lifecycles and manage resources to achieve higher BI and make better business decisions.

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